3.0 tdi sportback v6. Part numbers from the box listed above. Please ensure that you check the item properly when received, open package to make sure item is not damaged, if item is damaged then please mention this to the person delivering it. Sign it damaged and take the name of the person delivering. When item is received please check item and make sure item is not damaged. If item is damaged please write what the damage is and take the name of the person delivering. A claim can only be processed if damage is reported within 3 days of receiving item/s. A claim form will be filled out with the courier company and then processed. If you sign for the goods and do not note down the damage then you will not be covered and a claim can not be processed and I will not be able to do anything about this. The quicker you pay for an item the quicker items will be dispatched. Please be patient if it takes time could be down to delays. From now all items will be tracked and information will be provided on request. All items will be logged and pictures will be taken of the items condition before it is sent off to try and stop any fraudulent activity. HAVE A LOOK AT MY OTHER ITEMS.. View more great items.